Day of Reconciliation


PAC2085 is producing the Pan Afrikan Series Comix 2085 in a bid to encourage literacy, learning, debating and impart historical knowledge to our youth. The Series are two part, The Heritage Series and the Football Series. This is geared to capture the youth’s attention and involvement whilst enhancing literacy. The project is to encourage storytelling in our own voices, equipping our youth with knowledge of culture, artistic skills, animation, illustration while educating them. This falls under the big umbrella of the Programmes DSAC is implementing in the arts and sports. 

Our intent is to unite as many people as possible under one cause. It begins with telling our history, good or bad, favorable, or unfavorable, because we know that it is the reason that we stand where we currently stand. Before we can build a system and an institution that will ensure the prosperity of all Africans, we must acknowledge our past and honor those whose blood was spilt for the flawed freedom we have today. In the end, we hope that lawmakers and good citizens will stand together and balance the scale of power, freedom and will. That no race will dominate another and the right to self-determination will be protected from external infringement. 

The process of justice starts by recognizing and acknowledging the truth and being open to discussing the ways that some of us are disadvantaged by the system while some of us are afforded privilege by it.  This is a collective and not an individual cause. 

#MasiHlanganeni #ReachOut #LetsReconcile


We are fragile and our history defines us with truth and sense of being. Our very core is rooted in that history, lineage and events that shaped us then, now and into the future. It is therefore imperative to have a narrative that captures real versions, not “altered ” for purposes of being palpable or diplomacy.

We are from The Vizion Communications Group, and we are the creators of the Pan Afrikan Comics 2085. We create Art through various comic books to teach, inspire and invoke dialogue amongst the youth and future leaders of our country. The most central initiative of our projects is to learn with reading and debating. Such an initiative has never been more imperative, for we are living in a time where every day, we come across snippets of our stolen and erased history and heritage. Our Our Mission over 6-36 Months is to cultivate a culture of “reading to learn” so as to play a meaningful role in the education and skills revolution environment.

We want  To encourage #LearningWithReadingThenDebating using comic books which narrate our Pan African Stories. 

Our primary objective is to facilitate and enhance the contribution of debating with learning from reading.

Our Objectives are To promote Pan Africanism and common heritage while addressing social ills such as racism, tribalism, and xenophobia.

To change the narrative of how Africa is perceived by Africans themselves as a result of the strong, athleticism with encouragement of well being, being the theme that the Graphic Novel Series aims to achieve. 

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